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It seems like only moments ago we were raising our glasses to a new year – and, with enthusiasm and conviction, declaring our goals for 2018. Now it’s June, the weather is warm, the flowers are blooming, the trees are leafy, and the year is almost half over.

Where did the time go? 

By now some of us have achieved our January goals and are on to the next – congratulations.

Others are forging ahead with achievement in sight.

Some may have temporarily set aside their goals or been diverted by unexpected distractions.

A few may have ditched their goals entirely.

Today, June 5,
there are 209 days left in 2018.

It’s enough time to work toward a goal. Wherever you find yourself, now is the time to either revisit your January goal, or come up with a new goal.

The question is, on December 31, what do you want to say about your 2018 accomplishments?

To answer that question, here are a few prompts for organizing the steps and developing a plan.



My Goal

By December 31, I want__________________________.

From Promise to Reality-My Goal Achievement Plan
Here’s the work part. Ask and answer the following questions. The answers will give you the information you’ll need to explain your goal to others, including how your goal benefits them, and to successfully ask for and get help.

1) Why is this the right goal for me now? 
The primary reason goals get abandoned is that they get pushed aside in favor of short-term tasks with firm deadlines. When you answer this question you’ll put into words – for yourself and others – why your goal is a priority. Being able to explain the importance of your goal keeps it in the front of your mind. Actively thinking about your goal makes it easier to make choices and prioritize your activities.

2) What should I do to make my goal a reality?
The answer to the question above and its sub questions below make up the beginning of your achievement plan. What you’ll come away with is an understanding of activities to consider for achieving your goal. Answering these questions will also act as a gauge for determining if your goal is realistic in the time you have allocated.

  • What should I learn to achieve my goal?
    Where can I find this information?
    Is there an associated cost?
  • What routines should I change to serve my goal?
  • What should I abandon to achieve my goal?



3) How does achieving my goal benefit others?
Figuring out how your goal benefits others makes it easier to ask for outside help.

Most people are happy to help you, especially if there is perceived benefit for them.

As an example, if your goal is to get a new job by December 31st, your reasoning to your family/friends may be, “My goal for the second half of the year is to get a new job. I am excited to get this done. I may ask for some networking introductions, but in the process I promise you that I will be much less cranky to be around.”

4) Who can help me accomplish my goal? 
Sharing your goal with a partner keeps your goal in public view. Having a partner or a friend to support you keeps you on track with your activities and on course with the timeline you’ve set.

5) When should I begin?
Yep, the first step is often the hardest.
Having an activity checklist makes it easier.

“This is what I will do…”

Next Week_______________________________
By the mid- July I want to _____________________
By the end of July I want to____________________
By mid- August I want to______________________
By Labor Day I want to_______________________
By the end of September I want to _______________
By the end of October I want to__________________
By the end of November I want to ________________
By December 31st I want have___________________




Creating a timeline and focusing on the activities that will accomplish your goal elevates it from a good idea to a likely reality.

Having goals helps us become better versions of ourselves. The focus and momentum we create when we work toward improving our business and/or personal environments helps us interact more positively with the world and respond better to business challenges and life’s many surprises.

When we are happier and more focused, opportunities do come our way.

And frankly, we are just more pleasant to be around.

Tomorrow there will be 208 days left in 2018.

The final question is –
what are you going to do today?

FREE DOWNLOAD – Reminders for Setting Goals

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