(Read Time: 2 Minutes)
Ever have a GREAT IDEA? One you KNOW will gather enthusiastic support?
You’re SO SURE of your idea that you JUST CAN’T WAIT to put it out there.
But before you launch your idea into the world, talk it through with a Trusted Peer.
Reviewer feedback helps avoid launching ideas that are confusing
or mystifying
The Value of Peer Review
Share small before you share big
Peer review ensures that what you say is what you want your audience to hear.
BEFORE presenting an idea for review, and to get feedback that matters,
- Organize your thoughts
- Create a value proposition
- Practice explaining your idea
To become the person others want to help,
- Be humble
- Listen to the advice
- Say ‘Thank You’
- Incorporate the feedback
A thorough peer review is time well spent and will help you better understand the value of your idea.
Having a trusted peer is a gift.
Being a trusted peer is an honor.
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